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Galeilaean Iconography

The first volume of the Updated Supplement to the National Edition of Galilei's Works –which was completed by Antonio Favaro in 1909– has been published: Iconografia galileiana (Galilaean Iconography), by Federico Tognoni (Florence, Giunti, 2013, 608 pp. + 16 pp. of colour plates).
The book features the most complete collection of images related to the Tuscan scientist ever published, including portraits, commemorative medallions, miniatures, and sculptures, which span across four centuries. The 335 entries outline the story of each work of art and offer information about materials and techniques as well as detailed bibliographies.

The updating project includes three more volumes. The next one, to be published in April 2015, will update Galileo's correspondence; another one will present Galileo’s writings which were not included in Favaro’s National Edition. The last volume will collect documents related to the life and work of the Tuscan scientist which came out after the National Edition had been completed.