• Event

due letture

Astolfo sulla Luna di Galileo Galilei
Sunday, January 28 and February 4 2018, at 3.30pm

The Museo Galileo pays tribute to the Orlando Furioso with an afternoon reading by Michele Neri.

Inspired by Ludovico Ariosto’s poem and the Storia dei Paladini di Francia, "Astolfo sulla luna di Galileo Galilei" [Astolfo on Galileo Galilei's Moon] tells — in the manner of ballad singers of the past — the exploits of the Christian paladin to find the wits the brave Orlando lost because of his love for Princess Angelica, from the journey with the hippogriff to the arrival on the Moon and the recovery of the bottle containing Orlando’s wits.

According to Vincenzo Viviani, disciple and first biographer of Galileo, the Tuscan scientist greatly appreciated the author of Orlando Furioso."


Le meraviglie del Duemila
Sunday, February 4, 2018, at 3.30pm

The Museo Galileo presents a reading by Michele Neri based on Le meraviglie del Duemila [The Wonders of the Year 2000], the only science-fiction novel by Emilio Salgari.

The book tells about the extraordinary journey of a scientist and a bored, young millionaire who both decide to undergo an experiment: after having hibernated, they awake a century later, in the year 2000. Then they travel on the "Condor", an electrically-powered flying machine that allows them to move at the incredible speed of ... 150 kilometres per hour!

The book — published in 1907 — is full of forecasts, discoveries and fanciful images of the future that has become actual under our eyes.


Both events are part of the Festa della Toscana 2017