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Novum Corpus FontanianumThe project “Novum Corpus Fontanianum”, which is carried out by the Accademia nazionale delle scienze detta dei XL, in collaboration with CNR, Società di studi Trentini di scienze storiche and Accademia roveretana degli Agiati, was created as part of a research programme aimed at a digital edition of the works by the members of the Accademia dei XL and is dedicated to the census of sources relating to the naturalist Felice Fontana (1735-1805).

Museo Galileo has participated in the project by providing access to the documentation relating to Felice Fontana in his role as director of the Reale Museo di Fisica e Storia naturale di Firenze (Archivio del Reale Museo and Fabbroni collections), as well as to the records of the scientific instruments and anatomical models designed or commissioned by Fontana during his directorship and today displayed in our museum’s halls.