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App Museo DiffusoOn March 8th, on the occasion of the launch of the Rete della cultura scientifica di Firenze, Museo Galileo is releasing the app Florence – paths of science, a georeferenced guide through the city's landmarks of scientific knowledge. It is contained in the Useeum app, which can be downloaded free of charge from App Store and Google Play.

Useeum for Android
Useeum for iOS

The guide includes 32 locations, each of them audio described (for a total of about 70 minutes of spoken word), and a wealth of images. The audios are available in seven languages: Italian, English, Spanish, French, German, Russian and Chinese. Users can choose among five thematic routes that focus on: places of astronomy, scientific collecting, Galilean places in the city, Galilean places in the hills, science meets art.
The playful section Gioca con Lucy allows children to try their hand at a fun treasure hunt (available in Italian, English and Spanish) that will lead them to discover seven places in Florence that are particularly significant for the history of science. Children under 14 who guess the final answer are entitled to free admission to Museo Galileo.

The Rete della cultura scientifica (Florence Network for Scientific Culture) includes Accademia dei Georgofili, Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali, Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere 'La Colombaria', Fondazione Osservatorio Ximeniano, Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica, Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux, Museo Galileo, and Società Toscana di Orticultura.


App Florence - paths of science is a project financed by the MUR (Ministry of University and Research) on the basis of contributions under Law 113/1991 and subsequent amendments and additions.