• Event

[inserire alt immagine]Quantum women: le scienziate della meccanica quantistica
Tuesday 6 June, 6:00 p.m.
Museo Galileo

In Quantum women Gabriella Greison - a physicist, writer and well-known science communicator - explores what has long been considered a taboo topic for the scientific world: the contribution of female scientists to quantum mechanics. The author calls this topic "taboo" because female scientists who have made fundamental contributions to Nobel Prize-winning research (awarded to male scientists) have stayed in the shadows, often not even mentioned, not only by Prize winners, but also in scientific texts.
In a thrilling monologue, Gabriella Greison talks about the quantum women, profiling female scientists, from Chieng Shiung Wu to Hertha Sponer, who have played a major role in quantum mechanics but have rarely been taken into account by the international scientific community. That is why their names are almost unknown and their faces do not appear in the photos that fix the most important moments in the history of quantum mechanics.

The event is held in Italian and organized in collaboration with INO-CNR as part of the "Italian Quantum Weeks", a national project aimed at promoting knowledge of quantum mechanics and the resulting technologies among the general public.

Limited seats.
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