• Event

Thursday 7 April 2011, 4 p.m.

Museo Galileo - Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli Hall


Michele Camerota, Massimo Seriacopi and Thomas B. Settle


The book, edited by Riccardo Pratesi and published by Sillabe, draws the reader's attention to the orginal text of the lectures given by the great scientist between 1587 and 1588, where he aimed at scientifically explaining the shape and sizes of Dante's Inferno.


Riccardo Pratesi has collaborated with Museo Galileo on educational activities since 1998. With the help of new tools for analysis and a rich apparatus of drawings, Pratesi's book traces back the steps of Galileo as well as his illustrious colleagues and proposes a peculiar trip to the bottom of Dante's Inferno.