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[inserire alt immagine]What impact and influence did Galileo’s writings have on Modern Europe? Which scientific, philosophical, literary and political milieus did they reach? Who were his readers and how did they read his works? What kind of interpretations and contaminations did his work give rise to? To what extent did the inquisitorial vicissitudes affect the circulation of his ideas across the Catholic and Protestant world? To what extent did the affair related to his condemnation contribute to the rise of the myth of Galileo?

Some answers to these questions will be found in this book, that brings together the proceedings of the International Conference held in Florence between 29-31 January 2020, and is based on the collaboration between historians of science, politics and society in modern and contemporary age, historians of philosophy, art, publishing, literature and theatre.

The Science and Myth of Galileo between the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Centuries in Europe, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2021, 504 pp., edited by Massimo Bucciantini.