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[inserire alt immagine]La luna storta: come le donne stanno conquistando la Luna e le STEM
Saturday 20 April 2024, 3:30 p.m.
Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica - Auditorium Arte

On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, members of Apollo 11 mission, were the first humans to walk on lunar soil. Their exploit left the whole world astonished; what is not so astonishing, however, is the fact that no woman has set foot on the Moon so far. This is a clear example of how the gender gap is still a reality even in science.
The subject will be debated - in Italian - by Natacha Fabbri (Museo Galileo) and Martina Dal Molin (Gran Sasso Science Institute); science popularizer Luca Nardi will chair the meeting.

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